A Mika of 2 years old in a plastic container giving a thumbs up

Who am I?

My name is Mika, I am a 21 year old guy and have been living in Zeeland for the majority of my life.
I live with both my parents, and a younger sibling. There is a year and a half between her and me.

When it comes to education, I've completed the Dutch High School system and have been granted my "HAVO" diploma. This is more or less defined as "Senior General Secondary Education", though I have to admit I haven't the faintest as to what that means exactly.

I originally intended to go to an Art Academy, but was turned away wherever I applied. It's still a dream but not a realistic one. I decided to go into ICT mainly because the magic of computer coding has always enticed me, but also perhaps because it's still a better option than politics.

I have a job delivering newspapers, which I dilligently fufill every morning with the exception of Sundays.

To list some of my further hobbies

Playing games
I mainly have interest in the rythm game OSU!, but occasionally play factory builders like Shapez.io and simpler games such as Minecraft, too. I also have a VR headset which I enjoy using a lot, mainly for Beat Saber and VRChat.
LARP stands for "Live Action RolePlay" and is a genre with wild variety. The part I most like about it is the improv acting involved. Sadly I haven't been able to participate in any official events yet.
You'll likely see me doodle in class. I enjoy drawing and always have. You're free to ask to see my sketchbook and I'll gladly show it to you!


I will share some of my characteristics, some lists in no particular order.

Strengths Weaknesses
Curious Easily Distracted
Excitable Impulsive
Patient Quick to Bore
Snapchat QR code

Social Medias

Obviously as any other modern human, I use social medias. Here are some I'm willing to share. I've got more, but you'll have to ask!

Some further HTML projects

Outside of coding for school, I occasionally meddle with html and css for a website called "Toyhou.se".
This is a website that allows you to list original characters you've made, and display/collect art and information about them. Additionally, you can customize their pages with custom HTML and CSS!
The Toyhouse website is built on a grid that I don't know the layout of yet, but is still very neat to work with in my personal opinion.

The first project I made on this was for a character named Crowbar, the code for his layout was taken from someone else but it had a LOT of inline CSS.
I spent a day taking out all the inline CSS and rebuilding the page with a proper backend, as well as changing the theming to be more in line with the videogame Pathologic.
Now he's looking much fancier, and I made a bunch of other people very happy with this code, too.